Roadside Bedrock and Mining Geology of the Upper Peninsula Michigan, United States (Roadside...
by Baumann, Steven, Piispa, El...
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List Price: $29.69
Roadside Bedrock Geology Along Route 129 and 101: From Thessalon to Potholes Provincial Natu...
by Steven Donald John Baumann
ISBN: 9781794113077
List Price: $13.00
Publications of the Midwest Institute of Geosciences and Engineering Past and Present: Volume 2
by Baumann, Steven Donald John
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Publications of the Midwest Institute of Geosciences and Engineering Past and Present: Volume 1
by Baumann, Steven Donald John
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Roadside and Riverside Geology of Illinois: Volume Ii
by Arrospide, Teresa, Bardwell...
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Publications of the Midwest Institute of Geosciences and Engineering: Volume 3
by Piispa, Elisa J., Sweeten, ...
ISBN: 9798444542347